Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

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Moving Child Exploration

Moving Child Exploration

Q Moving Child Exploration ~ 20 Points This mini-research project asks you to explore an aspect of children’s physical development that you are interested in. For example, you might want to explore sensory integration and how this looks when a child is 3 years old, or you might be interested in the role sports play in the lives of 5 to 8 year-olds. Please propose a topic to me. I will determine if it is appropriate, and then you can get started. • Email me with your ideas: What to do: You will write an essay addressing the following: 1. What age of child are you discussing? 2. What is the type of movement or aspect of development in the child’s physical domain will you be exploring ? 3. Since this assignment focuses on typically developing children, consider what is typical for the movement or physical aspect of most children. 4. How does the movement or aspect of physical development you are discussing begin in a child’s life? 5. What does the child need to develop and/or learn to do before the focus of your topic can be realized? 6. Describe at least three “stages.” What comes first, what next, and when the goal is achieved. 7. How can the child use these skills toward their continued development for in the future? 8. Note: this assignment can focus on conscious as well as unconscious skills – are there any unconscious skills to be discussed? Required: • Use appropriately cited references and include a references page for this assignment in APA • DO NOT copy and Paste questions • Spell-Check and Check for Grammar • Use at least 3 different sources for your research. Make sure the references are reputable and cited both in the text of your paper and also in the References page, APA • Minimum of 600 words PreviousNext

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Motor Development in a 2 year old child is a very crucial milestone as all the other body movements will depend on this aspect of the child development. Motor development in a child take place in an organised sequence from the time the child is born and conducts varied reflexive actions. In a child the motor development takes place as per the Cephalocaudal (from head to tail) and Proximodistal (from the midline outward) principle (Lally & Valentine-French, 2019, pp. 78). An infant first learns to hold their heads, and then sit up with help of a support, then without any support and then later learn to crawl, walk or run. For every stage of their childhood, there are some milestone that a child must reach.